




Welcome to AdamsArcade.com.
I'm a hobbyist specializing in locating and restoring classic arcade games. Each restoration is meticulous, using only the highest quality original and reproduction art and components. All electronics are fully tested, and will provide years of fun.

AdamsArcade.com is based in Champaign-Urbana/Central Illinois, but can arrange reasonable shipping worldwide. Delivery and setup within the C-U area is free!

Browse AdamsArcade.com and contact me when you're ready to find your favorite classic arcade game!

12/5/2014 - Archive Mode!
While I still enjoy classic arcade restoration, I have little time for it these days. I'm happy to answer any questions, but I'm no longer restoring games. I plan to keep this site up as an archive of my past work, in case it's useful to other classic arcade enthusiasts!

10/17/2007 - Update, and Centipede!
Since my last update, I've managed to restore a couple games. The most recent one was a Centipede for the this year's JLCU Festival of Trees. There's lots of pics and details on restoring this one on the Restoration page. Late last year I also restored a Galaga, which appears on the Gallery page.

I have one more in the works before Winter hits, and hope to have pictures of it online soon.

4/13/2006 - Slow Season
Wow, not much going on in the arcade lately. I've had an attack of real life.

At work we're on the home stretch in developing Saints Row, a next-gen console title for the Xbox 360. I've managed to keep up with maintaining the Volition Arcade, but only because I've been there day and night. Once our project is in the can, I might have some time for another restoration or two.

The Donkey Kong Multigame sold, which was nice. Also, check out my co-worker's site, The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers.

6/18/2005 - Donkey Kong Multigame For Sale
I finished restoring an original Donkey Kong, including a Multigame kit. It switches between Donkey Kong, Galaga, Ms. Pac-Man and Frogger at the touch of a button. It's now for sale at Exile on Main Street, downtown Champaign, Illinois. Stop by and give it a test drive.

2/24/2005 - Update?
Due to the Winter weather, there isn't much happening on the restoration front. I've been staying inside, fixing the occasional monitor and collecting parts for the warmer months ahead. I did pick up another Nintendo cabinet to restore... I'll post pics once that project is off the ground.

12/19/2004 - Donkey Kong Jr. & Time Pilot
A restored Time Pilot is now for sale at Exile on Main St. See the For Sale page for more info. The Donkey Kong Jr. that was there the past few weeks has been sold! It will soon be replaced by a restored 1943: Battle of Midway.

11/20/2004 - Ms. Pac-Man finished
I finished restoring the Ms. Pac-Man for this year's Festival of Trees. Visit the Gallery and have a look.

09/30/2004 - JAMMA Multigame
I finished installing a JAMMA Multigame kit in the Street Fighter cabinet at work. It now runs up to eight game boards at once, switching with a push of a button.

09/25/2004 - JCLU Auction
I began restoring a Ms. Pac-Man upright for this year's Festival of Trees Gala Auction. The Gala is organized by the Junior League of Champaign-Urbana, and is always a lot of fun... I'd recommend it to anyone in the CU area. Last year, the restored Donkey Kong we donated raised $8,000!